Thursday, April 2, 2009

Josh Update

Josh is doing well considering the circumstances of being away from family and friends. He's working hard and trying to stay caught up on his sleep. He still can't give out any information on his location, the date of his return or what exactly his job entails over there, but he assures me that he's safe. I just finished sending off some boxes that contained (at his request) Wheat Thins, Raisin Bran, PB&J, Nutrigrain Bars and some shorts (as the temp is consistently well above 100). Still no date for his return, but we are doing our best to count the days as they go by until he comes back home. We will be choosing our new military orders soon, so we're anxious to learn where we will be going in the future. Please continue to keep Josh in your thoughts and prayers that he remains safe as he continues to serve the people and his country proudly and without question.

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