Tuesday, April 14, 2009

6 Months and Still Growing...

I cannot believe that Ashlynn is 6 months old now. Wow...I can't even begin to account for where the time has gone. We had her well-baby checkup today and got nothing but good news. She's 26.5inches long (so we've grown an inch since her 4 month checkup) and 20.4lbs (a gain of 2 pounds). She now is in the 75% for her height and 95% for weight. She is sitting up unassisted, eating stage 2 foods and is now cruising in a new convertible car seat. Her favorite new noise is "da" so she says it over and over and it's so stinkin cute! Josh has been able to listen to it over the computer and I know it just makes him melt! She's squealing and laughing, although Landin is still the only one that can really make her laugh which is just adorable. Otherwise, she's still growing. No sign of any teeth yet, but they're coming cause the drool faucet is officially turned on. She had her first pickle the other day and she enjoyed it thoroughly. She's also had a cheetoh which she also enjoyed. This picture is of her new favorite toy...a piece of ribbon (go figure, you spend good money on cute toys and the item that you didn't even intend on becoming a toy is the most fun).

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