Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Sweet Ashlynn

My sweet little Ashlynn is 4 months old...where did the time go? She has grown so much even in the last month. Ashlynn is now smiling all the time, she's started having cereal in her bottles at night and cereal on a spoon in the mornings. She's also grasping for objects and holding onto them successfully. She's starting to giggle, but nothing major yet. One of the sad things though is that she came down with her first cold recently. Otherwise, she is doing well. We have her checkup tomorrow, however when I took her to the doctor for her cold, I learned that she is now 18lbs and 25 inches long. She's a growing little girl!!!

1 comment:

Pautlitz Blog said...

Oh, I just want to give her a big kiss on those cute little cheeks. (the ones on her face. ha ha )

I am home all day by myself you should come and visit.