Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another Milestone

Ashlynn has now reached another milestone. I've been anxious for this one cause I think that she's a little behind the "average" kid when it comes to this, but she got there nonetheless. She finally rolled over, from her back to her tummy. The best part, Josh was able to watch her do it through the webcam!! I'm so excited! Now, the next step will be getting onto her hands and knees on her own and then....CRAWLING!!! Holy cow, I can't believe it!


Pautlitz Blog said...

Tell her to stop growing! ! She is getting so grown up! I will come see the kids real soon.

Unknown said...

Emily this is Jen Ramsbottom I did not know where you all lived now and I did not want to wake you or those cute little and big at the same time kids .
Hey are you ok? I know josh is gone I am just hoping if you are not ok I can help whatever you need.
So right now it one the east coast 10:30 are you on east or west coast?
Let me know and I will call.
Give those babies a kiss and I miss you and Jen very much.
You can erase this from you blog I am sorry I just didn't know of another way to get you.