Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Leaving...On a Jet Plane

It's official...Josh is now deployed. Not sure where he is at this point, however he will be gone for a while. It was a tearful goodbye when we parted yesterday, not only because we were coming home from our trip to see him in San Diego, but also because we were saying goodbye to him as he was getting ready to leave San Diego as well. Turns out, that he departed just a few minutes before our own flight took off. I've heard word from him that he is so far doing well, but very tired. He will be very busy over the next few weeks and expects it to be a steady pace throughout this entire deployment, but hopefully that will make the time pass quickly. Landin is so far doing well understanding that his daddy went away "to be a hero" and that's what we're leaving it as. Ashlynn will sadly feel as though Josh is a stranger when he comes home, but I'm sure she will warm back up to him quickly. We will be counting down the months as they go by. When I know more information I will certainly pass it along as I am allowed to. In the mean time, please keep Josh in your prayers that he builds his career while he's away, serves his country with dignity and integrity but returns home safely and quickly to his family.


Emmalee said...

Emily you are such a strong women and I know that you and your family will be very blessed while Jodh is away. Stay strong, because we both know that Josh will be safe, he is in our prayers as well as your family. Love you girl!

Unc Jes said...

Our prayers are with the entire Joiner clan as you sacrifice for our nation as a family. We are ALL family so we're in it together for the duration and I know that Josh will come through it just fine. When you have time, please pass along his e-mail address so that many can keep in touch while he's deployed.

Love Always!
Unc Jes & Tita Beng